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Site Tools

  • Copy the names and emails to a file
  • Save the file as “CSV”
  • Open Google Sheets
  • File / import
  • Select the file that was just created

  • Select replace spreadsheet and comma
  • Click on import
  • You should now have a spreadsheet with all the names and email addresses in a single row
  • Next, we need to convert this to a single column
  • In cell A2 type =transpose(1:1) and hit enter
  • Copy all the cells from A2 and down
  • Use ctrl V to select all and delete
  • Click on cell A1
  • Edit / Paste special / Values only
  • Move the column divider between A and B
  • Click in cell B1 and type =split(A1,“<>”) and hit enter
  • Select column A and B and copy
  • Use ctrl V to select all and delete
  • Click on cell A1
  • Edit / Paste special / Values only
  • File / Download as / Comma-separated values
  • Save
  • Open MailChimp
  • Lists
  • Click on the email list
  • Add contacts / Import contacts
  • CSV or Tab-delimited text file
  • Next
  • Browse to select file
  • Next
  • Use the drop down box to select Name for the first column and save
  • Use the default name for the second column and save
  • Next
  • Import
importing_email_address_s.txt · Last modified: 2017/02/27 19:44 by pete